Sunday 27 January 2013

Not All Adventures are Grand.... (Day Sixteen)

We were going to try again to go to the Craters of the Moon today, but we found out that there was no bus route to get there, and none of us were interested in hiking that far again. Instead, we went to another place we had passed yesterday: at one point along the river there was a hot spring which dumped boiling-hot water into the frigid river. We got up bright and early in the morning, early enough to get there before most other tourists, and brought our bathing suits this time. We even found a shorter route to get there, one that took probably about half the time. Part of Group 1 joined us, and we spent pretty much all morning swimming, alternating between hot and cold water. It was a much-needed relaxing and low-key day after our intensely busy weekend.

By afternoon, it was time for us to catch our bus back to Wellington. It was a quiet ride back; I spent most of it embroidering, and enjoying the incredible view. Seriously, all of New Zealand is just gorgeous. Like, all of it. But the bus ride was uneventful, a calm way to end what had been an incredible weekend.

And then it ended in one of the worst ways possible, when we got off the bus and left the bus station, and I realized I had left my purse behind, with my debit card, passport card, and cell phone in it. I went back to the station, but the bus was already gone; it was late enough in the evening that there were no employees anywhere in sight. I checked my backpack, in case I had tucked it inside; no such luck. It was gone.

So yeah. That rather put a damper on my weekend. The passport card isn’t too concerning; I have my actual passport still. The cell phone was a cheap pay-as-you-go one that I got here, so that’s more of an inconvenience than anything. But my debit card? I need that. I really need that.

Tomorrow I will return to the station, and keep my fingers crossed that it can be found. If not… well, I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do.

I’ll call it my latest adventure. And my worst one yet, by far.

Meanwhile, for those who are curious, here are some pictures of my apartment.

 My bedroom is upstairs. I'll add pictures of it if I ever get around to it.

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