Wednesday 9 January 2013

Day the Fourth

Today was our day off. I enjoyed sleeping in. A group of people were going to be climbing up Mount Victoria, but I wanted to give my feet a chance to rest and recover from their blisters. So instead I had a lovely breakfast and packed myself a dinner before heading down to the waterfront for internet. I was going to hang out outside, but it was very, very, very windy. Windier than anything I’ve experienced. So instead I found a spot (with a power outlet!) in Te Papa and spent a wonderful afternoon reconnecting with my parents and brother, as well as some of my friends from back home.

In the evening, the entire class met with our advisors so they could go over with us their expectations for the term, as well as earthquake awareness stuff. Earthquakes are common in New Zealand, it turns out. I spent the rest of the evening hanging out with some of my classmates, watching Pirates of the Carribean II and working on embroidery.

So, yeah. Nothing really interesting to share about today, and no pictures at all. But it was a much appreciated break.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making time to connect with us! I am thankful for technology making this possible :)
    I'm glad you chose to have a day of rest! Balance is a good thing!
